Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I've been cheated!!!!!!!

Things to ponder upon: What would it be like if cows ruled the world? Would they drink the milk of humans? Also...can you imagine if dogs ruled everything? would we get hit with a newspaper for piddling on the floor? Would they call sex doing it human-style? Could you imagine the Raid commercials if roaches took over?

Just some idle thoughts I have been pondering while I wait for the end of this inconvenient episode to pass that is caused by a certain disorder that I have. The highs are usually a lot of fun for the most part but this time, for the first time, I am having only the negative of it and none of the positives. I really feel cheated and frankly starting to get a little pissed off but this will pass and I will be back to my old self again. Just need something to keep me out of trouble.
Anyway, the new clothing line should be coming out pretty soon. I really need an artist who can draw some stuff up for me. If you can draw hit me up.
Ride it like you stole it y'all.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Holy Cow, What Happened to February???

If I said the month just got away from us, would you believe me??  Well, it did!

I just looked at the last blog I posted on Feb. 4 and thought, "Really??  That's what was on my mind that day?"  And then life took a sudden left turn.  Next thing I know, I look up and it's Feb. 28; I'm hanging out at Wolf's Mom's house, and we're waiting to get into our new "den."  We have spent much of the last month putting out fires, playing taxi, untying knots, figuring out plan B (or C, sometimes D, and on at least one occasion E) and trying like hell to stay grounded and connected.

One example.... For Valentine's Day, I planned a surprise get-away for the two of us.  I was going to try to keep the whole shebang a secret until it unfolded around him, but then I realized Wolf really doesn't do surprises very well, so I told him there was a surprise coming.  LOL  But I didn't want to give it all away, so all he knew was that we were going away overnight.  We planned to leave our place at 3:00 pm.  He didn't know much more than that.  But, as our luck always has it, we had a family crisis that didn't get handled and secured until almost 7 pm.  We did get our overnight away, but honestly, it was tinged with some residual aggravation that we had lost 4 hours of alone time, and in making up for that, we lost 4 hours of asleep time.  LOL  And returned home the following day still tired and a little annoyed, instead of relaxed and refreshed.  However, I highly recommend The Corinthian B & B in Dallas, TX for a little  R & R.  Ask for the Mayor's Suite.  It's the garage.  LOL.  OK, it's the "carriage house."  The really awesome manager saw a need in Wolf's face as we walked into our overnight home away from home, and returned in about 2 minutes with 2 frosty beers in hand.  We wanted to hug him!!  (We didn't; we were afraid it would scare him.)
I am not exaggerating  when I say the whole month has been one crisis after another, one changed plan after another, or ideas scraped due to lack of time, energy or give a f***.

We shall both endeavor to do a better job of blogging this month.  I, for one, need some return to the life that we used to have.  It wasn't glamorous, but it was ours. 

until then,
peace out,

Not Enough Booze in the World

Long time, no see brethren. I apologize for not being on my game but for the Wolf, family comes first. It has been hell this last month or two. My daughter came to live with me. There is no doubt in my mind that she is her daddy's daughter except for one thing....I never bit the hand that fed me. I may not have always agreed with the way I was raised but I kept a civil tongue in my mouth and for the most part I did as I was told.
Let me rock it back a ways. I get a call at about 5 Am and it is the ex. I'm thinking, "has she lost her mind," but then I remembered that happened back when we were married. (Believe or not I am not the easiest animal to live with)
Anyway, I hear a bunch of female tears coming through the phone and on reflex reach for the check book to make sure I hadn't forgotten the child support. Calm down y'all! I didn't. Focused now on the voice of a demon exorcised from my life years before, she begins to make sense. Short and to the point my cub is in trouble. I don't really have a favorite child having been out of a good chunk of their lives because of a state sponsored vacation but I do see a lot more of me in my daughter than my son. He is very chill and laid back. Nothing much bothers him and he is my number one road dawg but the girl has my temper and knack for getting in trouble like I did when I was younger. She also has my ability to persuade people to act in ways that is out of the norm for them. It isn't quite as refined as mine, think sledge hammer to kill a mosquito, but it works for her.
It seems that she had tried to kill her boyfriend by running him over with her car. Now I have never liked that piece of shit and I am positive that I had taught that kid to have a better aim but I am glad that in this case she missed. I don't like the idea of visitation on the row no matter how much I don't like him.
You already know that I went and picked her up so I'm gonna pick up the pace here. Very quickly me and the Ol' Lady decide to keep her, give her a job, teach her to build a business, feed her, clothe her, and put a roof over head. In return for all that she had only to agree to some very simple terms:
1. No contact with the douche bag boyfriend
2. No lying to me or the Ol'Lady
3. Do her homeschooling
4. Do nothing that could hurt the company

Simple huh? You would think so but she lasted 2 days and was in contact with him, had crashed my network to try and remove monitoring software from her PC, and stolen her mom's car to spend the night running round smoking dope with him.
That is pretty much how it has gone up until last week. She pulled same crap but then violated my personal computer with a hack program. If it weren't for the Ol' Lady that kid would have gone asshole over elbows out my front door but instead she has lost everything. PC, phone, TV, and the job I gave her.
She has been acting as though she has changed but I know better. She will be building up a plan to take one last shot at it but she will find that I am prepared. Oh by the way...anybody need one of Wolf's helping hands? 5000000 volt stun gun comes in assorted colors and carry case. Guaranteed to bring down a pissed off daughter.
Stay cool kindred and ride it like you stole it.