Friday, February 4, 2011

Gotta Love Dallas in the Winter....

.... except when it really IS winter weather here....

Normally, Dallas has cold winter weather.  Okay, okay, cold is relative, I know.  But, you know, lows around freezing, highs in the upper 40s.  That's cold, by Texas standards.  And that's kinda why I prefer Dallas to Houston.  At least Dallas has some change of season weather.  Winter is winter, summer is summer and there really is a spring and fall, tho short-lived.

Anyway.  So this is Super Bowl week, ya know.... and this year, Arlington is the host site.  For those of you not familiar with the DFW metro area, Dallas and Fort Worth are actually about 40 miles apart, with a bunch of smaller "cities" between, connecting.

And Arlington, Texas is about half-way between Dallas and Fort Worth.  Well, it turns out that apparently Dallas has 3 snow vehicles.... that is, sand/salt spreaders/plow trucks.  For a city of 1.3 million people (just Dallas, not DFW) and 385 square miles, 3 trucks is deemed adequate.  But because "we" have the Super Bowl, we borrowed trucks from surrounding areas just in case.  Okay, so the worst case scenario has happened.  Winter storm, Super Bowl week.  And the roads around Arlington are probably clear.  But not over here where we live!  Helloooooo??? 

I think it's safe to say that Dallas gets real winter weather at least once a year.  Last winter, Dallas had a white Christmas and had snow on the ground before Cleveland, Ohio.  And ended up having a whopper of a late January snow storm that pretty much paralyzed the city.  This year, it was pretty mild up until about 4 weeks ago.  Then, it got pretty darn cold.  And it started doing the snow/sleet/ice thing.  We had a good storm a couple weeks ago.  Now this.  We are snowed/iced in. 

Wolf could get out in the 4WD truck if he HAD to.... but the roads really aren't safe.  And the drivers around here really don't know what the hell they're doing in this weather.  So, better to stay safe than risk your life at the hands of crazy drivers.

One of the benefits of working from home is that you, um.... work from home.  LOL  So, we're snuggled up on the bed, side by side, laptops on laps, coffee at hand, Harley cat curled up at our feet.  Really, does it get any better than this?  Well, okay, it might be nice to have hot water so we could shower.... but that withstanding, if you're gonna be snowed in, it's really nice to enjoy who you're snowed in with. 

And I do. Oh, I do.....

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