It always startles me the things people will do in their car while driving. Since I want to keep this blog R rated or lower let's not talk about all the things that just rolled through your head. Shame on you but kudos for playing along. The point was a demonstration of the power of suggestion. If you'll hang with me for a little bit this will make sense.
I knew an impressionable young man who really for the most part led a pretty sheltered life. He had no idea what it meant to call another boy a fairy, or understand what coyote ugly meant. The funny thing was though he completely knew what it meant to say nigger, spic, wop, pecker wood, or any variation of those. He also knew that you usually preceded those with a firm "damn". Now I know that some of you probably wonder how that could be. Well its really funny the things that will stick in a child's head when bellowed with extreme hatred and ignorance by the very people who are the first in the line of educating a child. It turns out that we can make an impression on our kids. Just not always a good one.
It is very fortunate that that child had the opportunity to see the world and see and learn things other than hatred. He has many friends of different races, and sexual orientation. Now that doesn't mean that he doesn't let fly a symbol or two but also he hated everyone the same. No one could ever say that he ever held back on any person who from their actions placed them in that distinct group of undesirable stereotype example of each and every race. He grew up with the idea that even a blind squirrel will find a nut in the forest eventually and if you take the time to really look you will find a shining example of a really good brother or sister among every race.
Wouldn't it be great if we could put all that crap away and devote all our energy towards something more worthy like finding a cure for Alzheimer's, cancer, and HIV. Man just think what this world would be like then. A place where our kids could be kids instead of a sounding board. Just a thought y'all.
Well like always brethren, ride it like you stole it. Deuces...
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