Monday, January 31, 2011

Yes, he is the Alpha Wolf

And true to wolf nature, he has taken very good care of his mate-in-need.

A couple weeks ago, Wolf was down with the flu/crud/kennel cough.  This was our first experience of this together, and I wasn't sure what to do.... Well, wait, let me clarify.  I used to be a nurse, in a long-ago lifetime, so I "knew" what to do for a sick person; I just wasn't sure what to do for Wolf.  Some people like to be babied; some like to be left alone in their misery; some like something in between.  It was a learning experience for me.  But we figured it out.  And, altho he's not 100% just yet, he's on his way back.  Thank God.

And, so, yes, it finally caught up with me.  I felt something coming for a couple days, but kept fighting it off.  Then, Saturday night, after a lovely, quiet birthday celebration with a couple of the cubs and another member of the pack, I fell like a ton of bricks.  I was fine; then, I wasn't.  I hit the bed Saturday night about 10:30 and didn't get up again until about 4 pm today, except for potty runs and beverage.  Oh, and when Wolf brought food and insisted I eat, despite my lack of appetite.  Never in my life have I experienced such loving care.  And in his gentle, loving care, Wolf showed his strength and protectiveness in true wolf fashion. 

I think I'm on the downhill, get well side of this, thankfully.  And I do owe my quick recovery to Wolf's tender care.  Left to my own devices, I would have been doing more than I should have, resting less than I needed, not eating, and forgetting my meds. 

Don't you dare believe that wolves are all mean and selfish.  True wolf behavior is exhibited by taking care of the pack.  The Alpha pair, the cubs, the other pack members.... they are all loved and cared for, b/c they are all valuable members of the pack.  We take care of each other and we preserve the pack.

So, a public thank you to my Wolf, for such loving care.  You have truly shown me what love feels like.

peace, out

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