Monday, January 3, 2011

No Plan is a Good Plan

Yes, I know, the saying is "no news is good news" but for us.... NO PLAN IS A GOOD PLAN. 

When we plan things, fate has a way of stepping in and saying, "I don't think so" therefore, we don't plan things anymore.  This is just how things go with us... from the very beginning, in fact.

Our first date got canceled because I got sick and didn't think coughing up my lungs would be a great first impression.  Our first date got canceled again when Wolf had to go out of town to his cub's graduation from Boot Camp.  But we didn't give up.... We tried again.   And we had our first date on June 30, finally, after 6 weeks of texting and talking on the phone.  BUT, fate intervened once again.  We had planned to go on a picnic, and that afternoon, the heavens opened up and poured copious amounts of water on us.  So, no picnic, but we just moved to plan B: Trinity Hall for 6 hours of conversation, fish n chips and copious amounts of Stella Artois.

In the 6 months since then, we have learned not to make plans.  We have had to cancel so many dates and change plans so frequently that you'd think we'd know better.  But, wait for it.... we tried once more.

Last Thursday, being December 30, and the 6 month anniversary of our first date, we, gulp, made plans.  Suffice it to say, they didn't happen.  We had a family member with a medical emergency, and you know how wolves are about their pack.... there was no hesitation about where we needed to be.  No regrets, either.  It just reinforced to us the silliness of trying to plan something in advance.

So, our new mantra is.... spontaneity.  We'll just do things on the spur of the moment.  That way, fate doesn't have time to stage an intervention.

Here's to another 6 months of spontaneity, fun and frivolity, and working hard.... life in Wolf's Den.


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