Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Day Is It?

Yes, I asked what day it is...

It's a question often asked in our household.  Since Wolf and I work from home and rarely take the weekends off, per se, we lose track of the day.  (Don't EVEN ask me what the date is....)  And, to make matters worse, it's not unusual for us to work thru the night at least once a week.  Talk about a confused couple. 

For instance, this week, we were up all Monday night.  So, having slept only once since the weekend, today feels like Tuesday.  But it's not; it's Wednesday.  Thus, mention that tomorrow is Thursday, and therefore, Date Night, brought a look of confusion and skepticism to Wolf's face.  "Really???"  Yes, dear, really.  "You sure?"  No, dear, not so much. 

But, Der Fluffer is in the house tonight and she reassured us both that it is, indeed, Wednesday.  Fine, we'll go with that.  Besides, with the way we work (and play) it's actually kind of irrelevant.

Oh, except that we DO have to interact with the rest of the world from time to time.  Then, we need to know what day it is.  And tomorrow, I'm positive, is the 30th.  More on that tomorrow.

Happy Hump Day, all!

peace, out

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