Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crackhead Cats and Fluffers

Hello again my brothers and sisters! Recovery was slow but I have bounced back 100% after the holiday binger. Thank goodness Ol' Lady has a sense of humor cause I guarantee you I would have made a priest give up the collar after this last weekend.

You all have been introduced to our crackhead cat "Harley". Like I said, Ol' Lady has a sense of humor because "Harley" got one of those laser pointers for Christmas. Talk about a happy cat. He is as happy as a punk falling into a pecker patch. DISCLAIMER: Wolf don't give a damn bout some of you all's alternative lifestyles. He is rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. So if you can't take a joke then go kick rocks.

"Harley" cat will chase that damn little red dot until he is dizzy and then get pissed when you quit. We actually put the thing away so me and Ol' Lady could do something productive like smoke the hookah and he paced back and forth looking for his new best friend the red dot. I am trying like hell to get a video of this pitiful meowing he does when he gets all pumped up. There is no way anyone will believe it unless I got video proof of it.

This little crackhead will literally try to climb the wall to get that damn dot. Hell, he got so excited one time he lost track of where he was and ran straight into the wall. Now you remember me talking bout Ol' Lady's boy? Apparently he got a sadistic side to him. He ran that damn crackhead for 3 straight hours. That ought to be testimony to our patience. Me and Ol' Lady hung strong but it was little brother that gave up and took the pointer away from his sibling. Thought I was gonna have to pop some CS for awhile.

Enough about crackhead cat for now. Let me tell you about another member of my special people. My little D is about as close as any person can get without being blood. We all "affectionately" call her Der Fluffer for obvious reasons. Her and Ol' Lady have gotten pretty close. Tough as a pit bull and mean as a rattlesnake if you cross her. She is probably one of the best I have ever seen with a blade and we all love her dearly.

It is always a surprise with Der Fluffer. One minute you can be talking to a typical midwestern college girl and the next talking to some chick from England. It is a real treat to watch her do her southern belle routine. Plenty of full tables have made room for us because of our southern belle. Hearts fly and zippers bust at the sight of our girl and her DD's pushing visual pleasure out for all to admire. I can definitely say life is never boring with this lady around and God help the man that mistreats her with me and Ol' Lady around.

Well until next time my friends here is something to ponder. What would happen if dogs ruled the world? Would they call sex doing it human style? Makes you wonder doesn't it. Ah what the hell. Bartender another round!!!!!

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