Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where have all the good folk gone?

As a young wolf pup I grew up mostly in small towns.  It was a time when you could actually walk into the local shop and actually charge your purchase without a card or some exotic blood rite.  You were given your purchase because you made a promise to pay and shook the owner's hand while doing it.  The coolest thing is that almost always those promised debts were paid on time and without being charged a ridiculous amount of interest.  It wasn't uncommon to walk into the barber shop and see a friendly game of poker going on in the back with real money on the table and not a single cop in sight.  They didn't care.  The worst example of vandalism was a tree full of toilet paper which the offenders normally came back later to clean up.  We had a sense of humor then.  Naughty children were actually punished then with a belt across the ass and when you got grounded you sure didn't enjoy it.  We didn't care to much about television unless there was a Corn Husker game on.  Fishing and hunting were a sport that put food on the table.  Not a head on the wall at least I mean that that was not the only reason for it.  As a child I had a BB gun and carried a pocket knife as a kid.  I walked around barefoot.  Drank from  the creek without fear of some exotic disease or chemical poisoning.  I was  raised to have a respectful tongue in my head.  To use profane language while talking to my parents or calling them a profane name out of anger would quite possibly have been the death of me because of the shame and remorse I felt.  It wasn't unusual for a cop to pull you over then let you go with a verbal warning.  Most people treated each other decently and with respect. 

Now I am not saying that there weren't some problems with the system.  Racism was out of control in parts of the country however despite our so-called advances we still haven't conquered that.  In fact it seems to be even more hateful today than in the past.  Why is that?  Well let's see....couldn't possibly be a side effect of letting our youth do and behave in any manner they desire with out consequences.  Maybe also that because of this the crime rate in this country is rising at alarming rates each and every year.  This creates resentment against the people that commit those crimes predominantly which in turn makes these very offenders feel persecuted.  Add the out of control media without a conscience creating fantastical stories to whip the general public into a blood frenzy making the possibility for the offenders who had paid their punishment to society to obtain gainful employment or to even obtain housing. What do you get?  An unforgiving  and hateful society of hypocrites.  What sense is there in making life so unattainable to an individual just because they have a less than desirable occurrence in their past that they have no other option but to return to a life of crime just to be able to eat or have protection from the elements,  Ask yourself this people, if a sex offender were not ridiculed, threatened, or assaulted at every turn they made is there the possibility that there might be a little more compliance in the mandatory registration system?  Maybe if only those responsible for the uphold and preservation of the legal system had access to criminal records EX-felons might actually get the opportunity to prove rehabilitation.  Maybe if the media would stop going out of their way to exaggerate the facts and quite singling out a single section of our society these same criminals and malcontents would have enough breathing room to actually develop a case of act right.
Here's an idea folks.  Let's go back to the day of the handshake and being kind to your neighbor.  Let's revisit the original Constitution and take a serious look at what we have done to ourselves.  Be kind of interesting to see if anyone can actually come up with a copy of what it was.  We have all become sheep following the herd dog wherever it leads us.  Redevelop independent thinking, discipline our brats, help out a neighbor, stop sticking our noses in other peoples' business, and for craps sake people stop taking pleasure in the misery of others. 
A really cool guy once said in a song,"If you mind your own business, then you won't be minding mine."  Give it a shot.  You just might see a brighter tomorrow.

Just so you don't get any ideas.  Wolf is still an ass by nature.  Every so often the vodka kind of settles wrong in the stomach.
As always kindred...Ride it like you stole it!!!!


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