Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Day Is It?

Yes, I asked what day it is...

It's a question often asked in our household.  Since Wolf and I work from home and rarely take the weekends off, per se, we lose track of the day.  (Don't EVEN ask me what the date is....)  And, to make matters worse, it's not unusual for us to work thru the night at least once a week.  Talk about a confused couple. 

For instance, this week, we were up all Monday night.  So, having slept only once since the weekend, today feels like Tuesday.  But it's not; it's Wednesday.  Thus, mention that tomorrow is Thursday, and therefore, Date Night, brought a look of confusion and skepticism to Wolf's face.  "Really???"  Yes, dear, really.  "You sure?"  No, dear, not so much. 

But, Der Fluffer is in the house tonight and she reassured us both that it is, indeed, Wednesday.  Fine, we'll go with that.  Besides, with the way we work (and play) it's actually kind of irrelevant.

Oh, except that we DO have to interact with the rest of the world from time to time.  Then, we need to know what day it is.  And tomorrow, I'm positive, is the 30th.  More on that tomorrow.

Happy Hump Day, all!

peace, out

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crackhead Cats and Fluffers

Hello again my brothers and sisters! Recovery was slow but I have bounced back 100% after the holiday binger. Thank goodness Ol' Lady has a sense of humor cause I guarantee you I would have made a priest give up the collar after this last weekend.

You all have been introduced to our crackhead cat "Harley". Like I said, Ol' Lady has a sense of humor because "Harley" got one of those laser pointers for Christmas. Talk about a happy cat. He is as happy as a punk falling into a pecker patch. DISCLAIMER: Wolf don't give a damn bout some of you all's alternative lifestyles. He is rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. So if you can't take a joke then go kick rocks.

"Harley" cat will chase that damn little red dot until he is dizzy and then get pissed when you quit. We actually put the thing away so me and Ol' Lady could do something productive like smoke the hookah and he paced back and forth looking for his new best friend the red dot. I am trying like hell to get a video of this pitiful meowing he does when he gets all pumped up. There is no way anyone will believe it unless I got video proof of it.

This little crackhead will literally try to climb the wall to get that damn dot. Hell, he got so excited one time he lost track of where he was and ran straight into the wall. Now you remember me talking bout Ol' Lady's boy? Apparently he got a sadistic side to him. He ran that damn crackhead for 3 straight hours. That ought to be testimony to our patience. Me and Ol' Lady hung strong but it was little brother that gave up and took the pointer away from his sibling. Thought I was gonna have to pop some CS for awhile.

Enough about crackhead cat for now. Let me tell you about another member of my special people. My little D is about as close as any person can get without being blood. We all "affectionately" call her Der Fluffer for obvious reasons. Her and Ol' Lady have gotten pretty close. Tough as a pit bull and mean as a rattlesnake if you cross her. She is probably one of the best I have ever seen with a blade and we all love her dearly.

It is always a surprise with Der Fluffer. One minute you can be talking to a typical midwestern college girl and the next talking to some chick from England. It is a real treat to watch her do her southern belle routine. Plenty of full tables have made room for us because of our southern belle. Hearts fly and zippers bust at the sight of our girl and her DD's pushing visual pleasure out for all to admire. I can definitely say life is never boring with this lady around and God help the man that mistreats her with me and Ol' Lady around.

Well until next time my friends here is something to ponder. What would happen if dogs ruled the world? Would they call sex doing it human style? Makes you wonder doesn't it. Ah what the hell. Bartender another round!!!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Harley, our crackhead cat

Harley got some Christmas presents this year.... a remote controlled mouse, and a laser pointer.  We laughed so hard at him yesterday as he stalked them both, chasing them thru the apartment repeatedly.  When he caught the mouse, he picked it up by the tail and carried it around.  And the laser pointer?  Oh my goodness... worth every penny.  He, literally, climbed the wall in pursuit of the elusive little red dot.  If you have a cat that needs to burn some energy, look for a laser pointer.  Santa found this one at the local Target in the kitty supply aisle.  Less than $5, and like I said, worth every penny.

Ain't Life a Peach?!

A wise man once told me you can't reason with a pissed off ol' lady or a drunk. Brothers let me tell you that's the truth. I went out to spread some Christmas cheer with some of my favorite young ladies at the jiggly club (yes the Ol' Lady was with me) when this narrow assed red neck started acting like a fool.
Well me being the people person that I am, I asked him ummm...quietly what his problem was. It went a lot better than I thought but definately not the direction I wanted. We unfortunately had her boy with us and he had had just enough tequila in him to be ten foot tall and bullet proof. Well against my better judgement I let that ho make it and got the boy settled down. I ain't gonna lie. It touched my heart that the kid wanted to scrap for me but I couldn't let him do it. That old redneck would have pasted my boy and I would have been sleeping on my bro's couch for a week. Its amazing how much I've changed in the 6 months me and Ol' Lady been together.

Anyway enough of that crap. I need all of you riders out there to start shooting me some kites. I want to see how big we can make this thing. Tell me bout your rides or the best party place to go. I am wore out y'all so I am going to bed. Be cool and stay out of trouble.

Goodnight everyone.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day seems like an appropriate time to start something new, doesn't it?  So, Wolf and I are starting this blog to tie into our new online venture, Wolf's Den Biker Apparel store (and more!).  We haven't "set" a format for this blog yet, so who knows what might show up here!  I (Old Lady) foresee some photos from our trips, some stories from our trips, stories about Harley the crackhead cat, recipes from Wolf's kitchen, and introductions to cool new products we've found for the store.

So, for now, Merry Christmas!  Wishing a peaceful, safe, healthy and happy holiday for our whole pack.  

peace, out
OL (old lady)  ;)

PS.  Wolf says, "Getting drunk is permissible on Christmas day, New Year's Day, and every other day ending in 'y'...."