Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I've been cheated!!!!!!!

Things to ponder upon: What would it be like if cows ruled the world? Would they drink the milk of humans? Also...can you imagine if dogs ruled everything? would we get hit with a newspaper for piddling on the floor? Would they call sex doing it human-style? Could you imagine the Raid commercials if roaches took over?

Just some idle thoughts I have been pondering while I wait for the end of this inconvenient episode to pass that is caused by a certain disorder that I have. The highs are usually a lot of fun for the most part but this time, for the first time, I am having only the negative of it and none of the positives. I really feel cheated and frankly starting to get a little pissed off but this will pass and I will be back to my old self again. Just need something to keep me out of trouble.
Anyway, the new clothing line should be coming out pretty soon. I really need an artist who can draw some stuff up for me. If you can draw hit me up.
Ride it like you stole it y'all.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Holy Cow, What Happened to February???

If I said the month just got away from us, would you believe me??  Well, it did!

I just looked at the last blog I posted on Feb. 4 and thought, "Really??  That's what was on my mind that day?"  And then life took a sudden left turn.  Next thing I know, I look up and it's Feb. 28; I'm hanging out at Wolf's Mom's house, and we're waiting to get into our new "den."  We have spent much of the last month putting out fires, playing taxi, untying knots, figuring out plan B (or C, sometimes D, and on at least one occasion E) and trying like hell to stay grounded and connected.

One example.... For Valentine's Day, I planned a surprise get-away for the two of us.  I was going to try to keep the whole shebang a secret until it unfolded around him, but then I realized Wolf really doesn't do surprises very well, so I told him there was a surprise coming.  LOL  But I didn't want to give it all away, so all he knew was that we were going away overnight.  We planned to leave our place at 3:00 pm.  He didn't know much more than that.  But, as our luck always has it, we had a family crisis that didn't get handled and secured until almost 7 pm.  We did get our overnight away, but honestly, it was tinged with some residual aggravation that we had lost 4 hours of alone time, and in making up for that, we lost 4 hours of asleep time.  LOL  And returned home the following day still tired and a little annoyed, instead of relaxed and refreshed.  However, I highly recommend The Corinthian B & B in Dallas, TX for a little  R & R.  Ask for the Mayor's Suite.  It's the garage.  LOL.  OK, it's the "carriage house."  The really awesome manager saw a need in Wolf's face as we walked into our overnight home away from home, and returned in about 2 minutes with 2 frosty beers in hand.  We wanted to hug him!!  (We didn't; we were afraid it would scare him.)
I am not exaggerating  when I say the whole month has been one crisis after another, one changed plan after another, or ideas scraped due to lack of time, energy or give a f***.

We shall both endeavor to do a better job of blogging this month.  I, for one, need some return to the life that we used to have.  It wasn't glamorous, but it was ours. 

until then,
peace out,

Not Enough Booze in the World

Long time, no see brethren. I apologize for not being on my game but for the Wolf, family comes first. It has been hell this last month or two. My daughter came to live with me. There is no doubt in my mind that she is her daddy's daughter except for one thing....I never bit the hand that fed me. I may not have always agreed with the way I was raised but I kept a civil tongue in my mouth and for the most part I did as I was told.
Let me rock it back a ways. I get a call at about 5 Am and it is the ex. I'm thinking, "has she lost her mind," but then I remembered that happened back when we were married. (Believe or not I am not the easiest animal to live with)
Anyway, I hear a bunch of female tears coming through the phone and on reflex reach for the check book to make sure I hadn't forgotten the child support. Calm down y'all! I didn't. Focused now on the voice of a demon exorcised from my life years before, she begins to make sense. Short and to the point my cub is in trouble. I don't really have a favorite child having been out of a good chunk of their lives because of a state sponsored vacation but I do see a lot more of me in my daughter than my son. He is very chill and laid back. Nothing much bothers him and he is my number one road dawg but the girl has my temper and knack for getting in trouble like I did when I was younger. She also has my ability to persuade people to act in ways that is out of the norm for them. It isn't quite as refined as mine, think sledge hammer to kill a mosquito, but it works for her.
It seems that she had tried to kill her boyfriend by running him over with her car. Now I have never liked that piece of shit and I am positive that I had taught that kid to have a better aim but I am glad that in this case she missed. I don't like the idea of visitation on the row no matter how much I don't like him.
You already know that I went and picked her up so I'm gonna pick up the pace here. Very quickly me and the Ol' Lady decide to keep her, give her a job, teach her to build a business, feed her, clothe her, and put a roof over head. In return for all that she had only to agree to some very simple terms:
1. No contact with the douche bag boyfriend
2. No lying to me or the Ol'Lady
3. Do her homeschooling
4. Do nothing that could hurt the company

Simple huh? You would think so but she lasted 2 days and was in contact with him, had crashed my network to try and remove monitoring software from her PC, and stolen her mom's car to spend the night running round smoking dope with him.
That is pretty much how it has gone up until last week. She pulled same crap but then violated my personal computer with a hack program. If it weren't for the Ol' Lady that kid would have gone asshole over elbows out my front door but instead she has lost everything. PC, phone, TV, and the job I gave her.
She has been acting as though she has changed but I know better. She will be building up a plan to take one last shot at it but she will find that I am prepared. Oh by the way...anybody need one of Wolf's helping hands? 5000000 volt stun gun comes in assorted colors and carry case. Guaranteed to bring down a pissed off daughter.
Stay cool kindred and ride it like you stole it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Gotta Love Dallas in the Winter....

.... except when it really IS winter weather here....

Normally, Dallas has cold winter weather.  Okay, okay, cold is relative, I know.  But, you know, lows around freezing, highs in the upper 40s.  That's cold, by Texas standards.  And that's kinda why I prefer Dallas to Houston.  At least Dallas has some change of season weather.  Winter is winter, summer is summer and there really is a spring and fall, tho short-lived.

Anyway.  So this is Super Bowl week, ya know.... and this year, Arlington is the host site.  For those of you not familiar with the DFW metro area, Dallas and Fort Worth are actually about 40 miles apart, with a bunch of smaller "cities" between, connecting.

And Arlington, Texas is about half-way between Dallas and Fort Worth.  Well, it turns out that apparently Dallas has 3 snow vehicles.... that is, sand/salt spreaders/plow trucks.  For a city of 1.3 million people (just Dallas, not DFW) and 385 square miles, 3 trucks is deemed adequate.  But because "we" have the Super Bowl, we borrowed trucks from surrounding areas just in case.  Okay, so the worst case scenario has happened.  Winter storm, Super Bowl week.  And the roads around Arlington are probably clear.  But not over here where we live!  Helloooooo??? 

I think it's safe to say that Dallas gets real winter weather at least once a year.  Last winter, Dallas had a white Christmas and had snow on the ground before Cleveland, Ohio.  And ended up having a whopper of a late January snow storm that pretty much paralyzed the city.  This year, it was pretty mild up until about 4 weeks ago.  Then, it got pretty darn cold.  And it started doing the snow/sleet/ice thing.  We had a good storm a couple weeks ago.  Now this.  We are snowed/iced in. 

Wolf could get out in the 4WD truck if he HAD to.... but the roads really aren't safe.  And the drivers around here really don't know what the hell they're doing in this weather.  So, better to stay safe than risk your life at the hands of crazy drivers.

One of the benefits of working from home is that you, um.... work from home.  LOL  So, we're snuggled up on the bed, side by side, laptops on laps, coffee at hand, Harley cat curled up at our feet.  Really, does it get any better than this?  Well, okay, it might be nice to have hot water so we could shower.... but that withstanding, if you're gonna be snowed in, it's really nice to enjoy who you're snowed in with. 

And I do. Oh, I do.....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Raising Lil' Bikers

It always startles me the things people will do in their car while driving.  Since I want to keep this blog R rated or lower let's not talk about all the things that just rolled through your head. Shame on you but kudos for playing along. The point was a demonstration of the power of suggestion.  If you'll hang with me for a little bit this will make sense.

I knew an impressionable young man who really for the most part led a pretty sheltered life. He had no idea what it meant to call another boy a fairy, or understand what coyote ugly meant.  The funny thing was though he completely knew what it meant to say nigger, spic, wop, pecker wood, or any variation of those.  He also knew that you usually preceded those with a firm "damn".  Now I know that some of you probably wonder how that could be.  Well its really funny the things that will stick in a child's head when bellowed with extreme hatred and ignorance by the very people who are the first in the line of educating a child.  It turns out that we can make an impression on our kids.  Just not always a good one.

It is very fortunate that that child had the opportunity to see the world and see and learn things other than hatred.  He has many friends of different races, and sexual orientation.  Now that doesn't mean that he doesn't let fly a symbol or two but also he hated everyone the same.  No one could ever say that he ever held back on any person who from their actions placed them in that distinct group of undesirable stereotype example of each and every race.  He grew up with the idea that even a blind squirrel will find a nut in the forest eventually and  if you take the time to really look you will find a shining example of a really good brother or sister among every race.

Wouldn't it be great if we could put all that crap away and devote all our energy towards something more worthy like finding a cure for Alzheimer's, cancer, and HIV.  Man just think what this world would be like then.  A place where our kids could be kids instead of a sounding board.  Just a thought y'all.

Well like always brethren, ride it like you stole it. Deuces...


Monday, January 31, 2011

Yes, he is the Alpha Wolf

And true to wolf nature, he has taken very good care of his mate-in-need.

A couple weeks ago, Wolf was down with the flu/crud/kennel cough.  This was our first experience of this together, and I wasn't sure what to do.... Well, wait, let me clarify.  I used to be a nurse, in a long-ago lifetime, so I "knew" what to do for a sick person; I just wasn't sure what to do for Wolf.  Some people like to be babied; some like to be left alone in their misery; some like something in between.  It was a learning experience for me.  But we figured it out.  And, altho he's not 100% just yet, he's on his way back.  Thank God.

And, so, yes, it finally caught up with me.  I felt something coming for a couple days, but kept fighting it off.  Then, Saturday night, after a lovely, quiet birthday celebration with a couple of the cubs and another member of the pack, I fell like a ton of bricks.  I was fine; then, I wasn't.  I hit the bed Saturday night about 10:30 and didn't get up again until about 4 pm today, except for potty runs and beverage.  Oh, and when Wolf brought food and insisted I eat, despite my lack of appetite.  Never in my life have I experienced such loving care.  And in his gentle, loving care, Wolf showed his strength and protectiveness in true wolf fashion. 

I think I'm on the downhill, get well side of this, thankfully.  And I do owe my quick recovery to Wolf's tender care.  Left to my own devices, I would have been doing more than I should have, resting less than I needed, not eating, and forgetting my meds. 

Don't you dare believe that wolves are all mean and selfish.  True wolf behavior is exhibited by taking care of the pack.  The Alpha pair, the cubs, the other pack members.... they are all loved and cared for, b/c they are all valuable members of the pack.  We take care of each other and we preserve the pack.

So, a public thank you to my Wolf, for such loving care.  You have truly shown me what love feels like.

peace, out

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just Be Nice

Well I knew it was just around the corner and here it came. Ol' Lady got the kennel cough. It catches me off guard because she is my anchor. She keeps me organized and talks sense into me when I am about to go off. I gotta admit though brothers that it is kind of an ego stroke to have someone need you that much.

This all kind of got me thinking that this is really the way things should be. So on that I challenge all my brother and sister bikers out there to do something for someone. Something way above your usual character and do it without expecting anything in return. Send me your story about what you did and the person with the best story will win a prize from the den. Not some bar swag crap but a for real serious prize.

Hope to hear from you all and as always stay on two and ride it like you stole it.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spay Day 2011 Online Pet Photo Contest

Spay Day 2011 Online Pet Photo Contest

So, I entered the Harley cat in a photo contest... that's combining 2 of my favorite things: Harley and photography.

Soon, I'll start posting photos of other things.... trips, people we love, etc.  In the meantime, we'd love it if you'd vote for Harley!! :)


Monday, January 24, 2011

Wolf's Guide for Ol' Ladies

What do you say to an Ol' Lady with two black eyes? Nothing you haven't told her twice already. I know it sounds a little harsh but brethren it is the truth. Since there seems to be so much confusion and gray areas around this subject I have decided to go ahead and just list plainly the basic guidelines to being a biker's ol' lady. Brothers, I am giving you the words but it is completely up to you to enforce them. I made a promise on New Years to stop being Captain Save A Ho'.
1. First and foremost it is important that they understand it is what they're told, when they're told, and how they're told. You must make sure that this is driven home right away. If you don't you will have a self thinker on your hands.
2. A woman should always make sure that the newest Harley t-shirts are cleaned and ironed first. Last year's pattern should only be worn in a situation of desperation, or you're on your way to a smash down. Two year old patterns are used for working on the bike.
3. I don't care if it's 4:00 am. If my bro's stop by after closing time and want breakfast you better get up and get it made.
4. A good ol' lady will keep that house spotless. No oil stains on the living room carpet and no shit stains in the toilet.
5. A good ol' lady will always make sure the beer is cold and the hookah is full.
6. Every Saturday is steak night and it better be the way a steak should be served; still mooing.
7. There are really only 5 colors that are acceptable in the decorating of the house. Black, orange, silver, chrome, and steel. If it has a chopper involved, all the better.
8. If you want ankle biters they better be taught right from start by your ol' lady that the kids will be silent during any Kid Rock video or MMA match. Diapers should never be seen or smelled.
9. The bike gets washed and waxed before the floor.
10. This one is for the bro's. If y'all are stupid enough to really take any of this serious you deserve what you get. My ol' lady is my friend, partner, lover, and on more than one occasion my life saver. She is my queen and will always be treated that way. I'm all bull but I know in the good and the bad that woman will always be by my side proud of what ever I have done.

Kindred it is always a blast for me to try to get under someones skin. I'm just wired that way but most of the time its all done in fun. As always, "Ride it like you stole it." I love you guys and hold you all dear in my heart.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where have all the good folk gone?

As a young wolf pup I grew up mostly in small towns.  It was a time when you could actually walk into the local shop and actually charge your purchase without a card or some exotic blood rite.  You were given your purchase because you made a promise to pay and shook the owner's hand while doing it.  The coolest thing is that almost always those promised debts were paid on time and without being charged a ridiculous amount of interest.  It wasn't uncommon to walk into the barber shop and see a friendly game of poker going on in the back with real money on the table and not a single cop in sight.  They didn't care.  The worst example of vandalism was a tree full of toilet paper which the offenders normally came back later to clean up.  We had a sense of humor then.  Naughty children were actually punished then with a belt across the ass and when you got grounded you sure didn't enjoy it.  We didn't care to much about television unless there was a Corn Husker game on.  Fishing and hunting were a sport that put food on the table.  Not a head on the wall at least I mean that that was not the only reason for it.  As a child I had a BB gun and carried a pocket knife as a kid.  I walked around barefoot.  Drank from  the creek without fear of some exotic disease or chemical poisoning.  I was  raised to have a respectful tongue in my head.  To use profane language while talking to my parents or calling them a profane name out of anger would quite possibly have been the death of me because of the shame and remorse I felt.  It wasn't unusual for a cop to pull you over then let you go with a verbal warning.  Most people treated each other decently and with respect. 

Now I am not saying that there weren't some problems with the system.  Racism was out of control in parts of the country however despite our so-called advances we still haven't conquered that.  In fact it seems to be even more hateful today than in the past.  Why is that?  Well let's see....couldn't possibly be a side effect of letting our youth do and behave in any manner they desire with out consequences.  Maybe also that because of this the crime rate in this country is rising at alarming rates each and every year.  This creates resentment against the people that commit those crimes predominantly which in turn makes these very offenders feel persecuted.  Add the out of control media without a conscience creating fantastical stories to whip the general public into a blood frenzy making the possibility for the offenders who had paid their punishment to society to obtain gainful employment or to even obtain housing. What do you get?  An unforgiving  and hateful society of hypocrites.  What sense is there in making life so unattainable to an individual just because they have a less than desirable occurrence in their past that they have no other option but to return to a life of crime just to be able to eat or have protection from the elements,  Ask yourself this people, if a sex offender were not ridiculed, threatened, or assaulted at every turn they made is there the possibility that there might be a little more compliance in the mandatory registration system?  Maybe if only those responsible for the uphold and preservation of the legal system had access to criminal records EX-felons might actually get the opportunity to prove rehabilitation.  Maybe if the media would stop going out of their way to exaggerate the facts and quite singling out a single section of our society these same criminals and malcontents would have enough breathing room to actually develop a case of act right.
Here's an idea folks.  Let's go back to the day of the handshake and being kind to your neighbor.  Let's revisit the original Constitution and take a serious look at what we have done to ourselves.  Be kind of interesting to see if anyone can actually come up with a copy of what it was.  We have all become sheep following the herd dog wherever it leads us.  Redevelop independent thinking, discipline our brats, help out a neighbor, stop sticking our noses in other peoples' business, and for craps sake people stop taking pleasure in the misery of others. 
A really cool guy once said in a song,"If you mind your own business, then you won't be minding mine."  Give it a shot.  You just might see a brighter tomorrow.

Just so you don't get any ideas.  Wolf is still an ass by nature.  Every so often the vodka kind of settles wrong in the stomach.
As always kindred...Ride it like you stole it!!!!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chew Toys

So Ol' Lady is trying to make me a kinder, gentler Wolf. I think that there is some progress but apparently not enough. I still get the quick shove of some gum into my mouth, she calls them my chew toys, anytime we come into contact with an officer of the law. Now don't think I have an attitude with all badges. I have a lot of respect for cops but there are some with such an ego that I feel its my civic duty to educate them in humility. You know sometimes it is just plain easier to blast off but I am learning that this is not appropriate behavior. For example; It is not appropriate to chase down a car, block them in, then jump out and start cussing them. I did this just recently. the disappointing thing is it was a woman driving so I had to back down. Kind of reminded me of my Jr Prom in high school. I am hopeful that I will get my temper under control. It would definately make my doctor's job easier. She keeps threatening to hospitalize me for the blood pressure. I will never figure out the lack of sense of humor when I tell her if folks would just start doing things my way the world would be better off and my blood pressure would go down.
Well kindred until next time we meet make sure you watch your top knot.

Friday, January 14, 2011

uh oh?

Man, it's crazy how life keeps throwing us curve balls, left turns, or whatever you want to call 'em....

It seems that, lately, technology has NOT been our friend.  Wolf's Den (the store) was supposed to be up live yesterday.  Well.... sigh.... first of all, Go Daddy and AT&T stopped talking to each other Saturday night, meaning we couldn't get on to work on it.  So.... Wednesday became our deadline.  Cool.  We can do this... yes, that's what we said to each other.  We can do this.

Tuesday, we worked our butts off, getting ready to go live Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.  Yeah, not so much.

As Wolf hit the "go live" button.... things went wrong.  Reallllllly wrong.  Like, error message, wrong.  A call to tech support assured us that the problem was NOT a "known issue."  Lovely.  And they would put their top people on it immediately.  But we should prepare for a wait of 48 to 72 hours.  Yes, you read that right... 72 f'ing hours. That's 3 days for y'all mathematically challenged.... REALLY???? Are ya kidding me????

So, here we sit, waiting... It's been 48 hours.  We got 24 to go before Wolf goes "Wolf" on 'em again.  Oh, and in case ya couldn't guess, that ain't fun.  Oh, Lordy mercy, no.  You do NOT wanna be the operator that answers that call....

Y'all stay tuned.  We should be live sometime this weekend.  Oh, uh oh.... did I say that out loud?


Monday, January 3, 2011

No Plan is a Good Plan

Yes, I know, the saying is "no news is good news" but for us.... NO PLAN IS A GOOD PLAN. 

When we plan things, fate has a way of stepping in and saying, "I don't think so" therefore, we don't plan things anymore.  This is just how things go with us... from the very beginning, in fact.

Our first date got canceled because I got sick and didn't think coughing up my lungs would be a great first impression.  Our first date got canceled again when Wolf had to go out of town to his cub's graduation from Boot Camp.  But we didn't give up.... We tried again.   And we had our first date on June 30, finally, after 6 weeks of texting and talking on the phone.  BUT, fate intervened once again.  We had planned to go on a picnic, and that afternoon, the heavens opened up and poured copious amounts of water on us.  So, no picnic, but we just moved to plan B: Trinity Hall for 6 hours of conversation, fish n chips and copious amounts of Stella Artois.

In the 6 months since then, we have learned not to make plans.  We have had to cancel so many dates and change plans so frequently that you'd think we'd know better.  But, wait for it.... we tried once more.

Last Thursday, being December 30, and the 6 month anniversary of our first date, we, gulp, made plans.  Suffice it to say, they didn't happen.  We had a family member with a medical emergency, and you know how wolves are about their pack.... there was no hesitation about where we needed to be.  No regrets, either.  It just reinforced to us the silliness of trying to plan something in advance.

So, our new mantra is.... spontaneity.  We'll just do things on the spur of the moment.  That way, fate doesn't have time to stage an intervention.

Here's to another 6 months of spontaneity, fun and frivolity, and working hard.... life in Wolf's Den.